The project started because of a minor health problem...
Director and Photographer Loeky Firet, while recovering, decided to " do something", as she realized that she had to take action rapidly in front of the current environmental issues. She went virtually back to her native country. She lives in France and last year she assembled a small artistic and technical team to shoot a film in the Rotterdam area, where raising waters threaten lands.
A movie lasting some minutes came out, but it just wasn't enough.

Let's hear her, as she can explain the project the best :
" As soon as my back broke down, I shivered. What about my work ? Would I be able to continue creating ? Sometimes life is mysterious and creation heads off the beaten path.
I started swimming to heal my back and I rediscovered the Water element. The sea alleviated my pain, cured me and brought me back to the world. We came from the sea, she is our cradle, the origin of life.
While I was swimming, a new idea occurred to me, the depths of the ocean offered me a new project. This return to the beginning of life led me naturally to the beginning of my personal history. I reconnected with my home country : the Netherlands.
My native country has forged through time a very strong, unique bond with the sea. Striving to control the unstable waters has always been crucial to its survival. An enormous system protects the lands, and its size dazzles me.
Like the Dutch, all nations on earth face the same huge challenge. Climate change confront us with the risk of rising water levels and it is our duty to initiate a new form of interaction with our planet.
I was born in Rotterdam, a port city, where gigantic petrochemicals sites and the wild beauty of nature merge together in the landscape. As an artist, I've always been fascinated by the monstrous beauty of this eerie scenery. It whispers in my ears a tale of giants made of flames kissing the sky, a tale of mysterious aquatic creatures. It carries me in a Bosch painting, it makes me wander in a world of steel and clay. I shall tell you a story.
It is urgent."
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Water in Fire is original as it is a collective film, carried by a team and its director, but also by its donors. Nothing can be done without you, without your support to the problem of rising water, which could eventually take away a whole part of a country. This is not a disguised way to raise donations.
We wish to bring together a community around the same aim, which is to raise awareness of a very real problem. Whatever the amount, your participation will be one of the many bricks that are essential to the creation of a whole. You will be part of the result. Unless you say otherwise, your name will appear in the credits and you will be invited to the premiere that will precede the actual launch of the film.
We thank you in advance for your participation.